Sunday, March 14, 2010

Listering blog 2_Listening to NZ-text book: Superhighway ???

Source:Text Book- Listening to NZ (Advanced) 4C
* knowing vocab.
* focus on overall sentences
I read the tape script before I listen to get some-more ideas for the heading.
From the headline: I think it is about some highway-motor way at first, until I read the script,I realized it was relate the World wide web not the highway : ( After listening 2 times, I read the exercise of 4C, and listen 2 times more to concentrate from the questions and to finish them. Then listen 2 times again to make sure the answer. Then check the answer with the script. Listen it 3 times more.

I felt that this strategies are quite helpful for me. Let me to have some concept before I listen.
Focusing in some main points-questions, it's good guide for me to understand step by step.
These strategies are quite appropriate for this kind of listening and I also use the strategy of repetition together!
Although I still made some wrong answers, I understand and can follow the speakers' speed.
Just like somebody says : Learn by errors!!!

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