Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Listening blog 3_On-line material - Clean money for New Year

Date: 18 March, 2010

Strategies: * take notes - key words
* concentrate

This topic is quite related for my home town culture. I was grasp from the interesting topic.
I used the strategies of take notes and concentrate. While I was taking notes, I always stopped to write down the keywords as below. After I finished to take note, I listened it again and fill the main words which I missed (in italic) and learn new words/phase ( run-up) from on-line dictionary.

According these 2 strategies, I feel it is quite useful for my listening skill. Although it make me to keep on to stop for taking notes, it help me to concentrate and to take notes that to understand more and more.
Outcome of last 3 time to use difference strategies, I find this 2 strategies is the best for me up to now.

Take notes:
Chinese tradition NY- parents to children : clean, fresh bank note
- notes in high demand
- chinese man notice - gap in a market
* His family memeber like to collect anitque bank note
* red small pocket - gd luck in NY
* restriction in bank(Taiwan): how much, where, when . . . inconvenience
* alternation: special chemical to clean (secret)
- not cheap - $10 ($20 note)
a new image, term - 'money laundry"

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