Sunday, March 7, 2010

Listening Blog 1_On-line material:BBC - Tree climbing

Source: BBC Learning English
- 6 Minutes English

* understand background
* ask for repetition

I haven’t any experience of ‘tree climbing’ that I found it hard to concentrate without any background information. I guess that is it related somebody’s tree climbing experience or an accident?
After I listened for the first time, I have a concept about this and ask for repetition. I can listen for more details and learn about the new vocabularies (scampered, sap, resin, fragrance, foliage, cones . . .). Listen, listen, again and again, I am quite happy that I can understand more and more.

According these 2 strategies, I feel it is quite helpful for next time to listen.
Try to guess some words/background information relate for the topic. If I can’t catch the meaning, I will ask for repetition until I get the meaning.

1 comment:

  1. Some nice details Alice. How did you learn the new vocab? Just from hearing the words? Were they explained? Did you have to look them up? How many times did you listen altogether?

    I guess asking for repetition as a strategy is for when you are talking. Here you are just playing it over again, aren't you?

    Do you think that tnese strategies are appropriate for podcasts especially? Or listening on your computer?

    Keep thinking about the strategies that you use.
