Tuesday, June 8, 2021

20210611 Day 4 Fri Daniel, Luke MIQ waiver; Test, Thank & giving

Daniel's WhatsApp: 
早前(20210510)zoom meeting: Daniel's assistant, 
                        Helen & Maggie: hard feeling- their husband, they can handle
202106/11: - shop manager
                    - Colin: leave it

Karen: 提及書室software-入書,不同, 有問題, 快問IT-Gavin, 以免累積
- (work smarter not harder, productive)
Luke replied:
- Karen: 全權書室, do the budget & present (6月底?), & how much to 津貼1年?
           書局: 慈惠機支援; 企業找$來源
- X sleeping partner, X 名譽顧問
- ask Karen: 正式上班時間,日期, 人工...
- Alice ask for Luke's trip scheduled for the bookstall

next Monday 
- H &M:
listing - job duty in point
* good or not in which area 
* 想做/ 不想做那些         
* software operate?
what kind of job duty want Alice to do?

早前Helen問HK order; 
隔離時(2+1wks)原想做HK訂購,但現不能集中,煩請先按您所知所能盡做,我check? Is it OK?
故HK舊suppliers, let Helen do it, Alice will check
at the same time: 
Alice prepare HK order: new suppliers 芥菜種, 諾園Promise Land, 

ask Karen:
今晚或明晚方便傾傾 b to C的事?
- Alice崗位; 
- 正式上班日期, 時間,人工:   
    Helen, Maggie & Alice; 
- 工作分工: Helen, Maggie &  
- 其他🤔  
Thanks 🙏🌱🙏

Hi MIQ team,

I am applying for a waiver.
Because my mother, Chan Lai Ho, she is 90 years old and lives in Hong Kong. She was sick from December 2020 to the end of January 2021.
She had Acute left ischaemic stroke- partial anterior circulation infarct, aetiology: cardioembolism
- Acute retention of urine
- Urinary tract infection
- Atrial fibrillation
- Acute pathological (with neurological deficit) fracture of the spine.
So, I took a visit to Hong Kong in February.
Here are some attachments for "Discharge Slip- medical history" & "Receipt" from Prince of Wales hospital in Hong Kong.
Can I please apply for a waiver?

Wai-Ching Yeung, (Alice) 021-629952

Indian style food: too salty for the meatball, and too hard for the rice too.
Uber eats?

什麼是感恩( Thanks giving)?有人說得好,首先是感謝(thanks),然後是付出(giving)!猶太人得救後,末底改、以斯帖命令他們以普珥日為感恩日,要在這些日子去互相關懷、周濟窮人、表彰愛心。你有這些感恩行動嗎?

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