Sunday, May 9, 2021

20210510 bridge to C ministry Zoom meeting

Zoom meeting

Alice: - duty, time, 基督徒書房, 運費
           - 香港事工: 探訪, 統籌NZ客或 NZ 代理 在 suppliers web? 減少人力物力-supplies), 簡化運作, settlement, 
                            海天,漢語,浸會, 釋義, 天道,基道, 基督徒書房, 道聲?
            - 基督徒書房 (免費)靈修本, 精讀本各3 箱(16本/箱), 基督生平: 10本, 
                                   - 馮卓根 書- 派, 配合未來社區事工數量
                                   - 運費: bridge to C
                                    - 如收奉獻, 作為支持bridge to C 開支
            - 海天月曆(550 + ch 1190) 約20大箱.
            - Helen: check July 2020: how many boxes for HK order

Luke's vision:  From Ps Daniel
1. 不單是書房, is 共享中心.
2. Trustee board: 集體負責
                        Ps Daniel, Karen, Luke, Ps 李國順 + Alice?
3. Bookshop Manager
    - 自負盈虧
    - 50K
    - 試用期: 3 months

Alice's duty in Bamboo (不變應萬變)
Base on sales of $120,000/yr breakeven
1. Planning: - Year plan: 
                        * on sale month: Bible month, festival: Christmas, Easter, CNY
                        * Bookstall: - Local (north island) and South island
                                           - Outreach: 搭寄書去, 及迴 (Wellington, Christchurch)
2. communicate with pastors(church inf), a few seminaries for textbooks, clients
3. Order: overseas: TW & HK
4. Display & Decoration

5. Arrange HK supplies:

June, July & August: 
    - June & July: Bookshop: Hk, TW order
    - August: bookshop improvement? (display....)

    Tue    Wed    Thu    Fri    Sat    Sun 
    H                    H        H
               M                   M    M
                A        A        A
if bookstall                   A        A        A

Bookstall: - no bookstall: except first week (聖餐禮), school holiday?
                - 2 -3 times/ wk
                - + follow Luke's trip (no matter in south island)

- cost- 
- Salary: how much $25 x 6.5hrs x9 days x 52weeks= $76,050
- Rent: $300 x 52 weeks= $15,600.
- bridge to C: how much to aim at? $50,000?

Helen's duty: similar of worked in Bamboo
1. Honey: how about as an agent: HK, China, Malaysia 
2. Order: Local
3. stock processing
4. Accounts: (handle to arrange)
5. Admin: (handle to arrange)

Maggie's duty: Website, Bookstall, admin (handle to arrange)
- 送遞服務

Celina & Tracy: Accountant?

As teamwork

??? - 繁體flyer, Eng 
        - Helen: forward order list, HK, TW order list
        - 架構: trust board (Ps Daniel) - 總幹事, staff, 
        - Local mission
        - community 事工: 負責人- Ps Daniel
        - Library 事工: 負責人 麗萍?
        - 65+
        - Luke's Trip: support bridge to C
        - Bobo

        - 義工團

Alice: Daniel 摸石頭過河, 立石為紀
1. gift item: as Manna importer, kiwi style
2. English books
3. Nelson: Honey & skincare: agent?/ exporter/ importer
        祝福NZ 工作
3. 真正傳播: share vision, 向教會; provider, 港9培靈會: 轉播, ;有使命,教會化, 安全. 
4. 角聲
5. Luke?? contact: idea?
6. 帶甚麼回NZ?


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