Thursday, April 22, 2010

Speaking Portfolio_2_ ASB Bank

Date: 22 April, 2010

10am 15 - 20 minutes

Place: ASB Bank
1484D Dominion Road Extn., Mt. Roskill

Main topic:
- credit card: late payment
- tertiary account: extended the expiry date

Systematic, right/authority and initiative

When I went to the Bank, I did some normal transactions with the cashier first and told her that I would do a few extra things on last Thursday. Firstly, I showed her that I received a friendly reminder from ASB Bank on my cell phone to say, "You may have forgotten to pay your credit card. An overdue fee of $25 will apply in two days. Thank you!" Because it was the first time I received from bank and I didn't go to the bank on that day, so I was quite worried about that I would be punished. Then I swiped my card immediately, she said, "Don't swipe the card when I'm doing on the computer!" I realized that I am impatient again that I forgot what had happened in my last blogger before- impatient. After she finished all transaction step by step, she smiled and said, "Would you want me to staple the receipt on your statement!" "Yes, please!"I said. "The credit card payment is settled, don't worry!"
After that, I showed . I showed some document from study-link. The procedure was taking a long time that she checked all my document. I said that I was very sorry that to let other people who were waiting for a long time. She replied, "It's your right, don't feel sorry or worry for them!"
When nearly finishing all transactions, she admired my hat too.
I felt warm, comfortable and her initiative helps.
The people on queue were alright and patience since the cashier let the manageress to arrange another two more cashiers to work with them. In my country, I will be very embarrassed that they would be look angry with me. There are difference culture aspects between European and Asian. I am quite enjoy for these impressive culture here.

When the cashier finished all my transaction and she had a badge on her uniform and printed : Sri. I said, "Thank you for your help! May I know that how to pronounce your name?"
S:"Sri. . . same as three!"
A: Oh 'three'. It's quite interesting. Where are you come from?
I thought she was not quite clear what I was asking, I changed it to ask
"Where is your hometown?"
S: My home country is India!
A: Thanks a lot! Bye.
I used a wrong word that it should be home country not home town. No matter she told me the name of her hometown, I supposed still didn't know where it was unless it was a big city.

When she admired my hat, I told her that I was easily to have headache when it was windy. So I wore hat during autumn and summer. She told me that she had the same problem and she had 'dark circle'. I was quite wonder why she explained like that. She showed me that she was allergy of windy and got 'dark circle' around her eyes. I learned a new meaning of 'dark circle', it's not only to describe people who haven't enough sleep.

When I received the letter regarding for the tertiary account, I went to the bank before and I showed them my student ID. But it's not enough evidence to proof because there didn't show the expiry date. So, this time I prepared some letters from study-link to proof it. It means that I try to well prepare as I can. Let me to have some more details for my conversation. And this time, I try to speak a little bit slower than before, she also spoke slow to me and let me to understand easily too.
Sri gave me a brochure for the other kind bank account service, let me to consider later.

Generally, I try to use some more lexical and interactive features.
When I was thinking to receive the brochure from Sre, I used some chunks like "you know . . ." "I agree...".when I was thinking to receive to not because I am still a full time student at the moment. And try to use some minimal encourages eg. nah, Um, Ah, Yeah and Well to make the conversation smooth.

I hope I will do it better in next time!

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