Thursday, April 22, 2010

Speaking Portfolio_1_ Mediterranean Resort

1. About the context of the conversation.
On 12 April, I went to Tauranga and had 3 days 2 nights trip with my church people. I talked with Gunter, the host of the Mediterranean Resort, about information of booking and cash back.

2. Culture aspects or cultural differences
On Monday, when I checked in, I wanted to ask him immediately that how much we would be cash back. Because while we were booking, he had mentioned about cash back $30.00, but he didn't say the details - one night, 2 nights, one bedroom or 2 bedrooms . . . I had many questions in my mind. If it was happened in my culture, I would ask him immediately. But he was quite leisure and enjoy to do things step by step and asked me to fill my details and signature. Finally, he issued a cheque and made a copy of that. Then I realized that European is quite systematic that they do it one by one. In Asian culture, we try to do at least 2 things together. When I work in Hong Kong, we always instructed/communicated our colleagues while we were speaking on the phone with our clients. I was impatient to wait and felt I was always in a hurry. Now, I must learn more about patient.

4. Vocabulary features
After finished the check in schedule, he asked me something I couldn't catch it, such as lotto. I responded that I was not interested of that. "Do you know Saturday lotto team?" he asked. I answered that I knew what it was lotto but I didn't interest and didn't buy this before. He explained that it was so easy to do it.

5. Specific strategies to overcome any language problems
When I wondered for what was 'Saturday lotto team', because I was not quite clear of every words of his conversation at that moment, I only guessed what was the meaning. He took out a 'powerball' form and someone had filled at the first column, Gunter taught me how to mark and chose how many no. and counted how many no. I had chose - 3, 4, 5 and 6. He made me feel comfortable to do a new thing.

6. Conversation flow 7. Fillers or hesitation
The conversation flow was OK. Gunter was so gentle that he spoke a little bit slow while I did not understand. When I was hesitation, I used some fillers, such as Um, Ah, for thinking instead of 'dead air'. It was quite good that Gunter had a chance to convince me or continue the conversation.

3. Conversant begin and how did it end.
8. Caused problem and focus on next conversation

When we nearly ended our conversation, I introduced, "you know my name is Alice, Alice in the wonderland! What's your name?" He smiled and pronounced his name, but it was very difficult for me to recognized "Guiler???' and asked him how to spell - Gunter.
It's hard for me to learn new name which it is not used common. But I found that the people were quite happy to spell and felt that I exactly wanted to know how to remember their name and pronounce it. If something happens which are out of my mind, I will hard understand and my mind seem freeze at that moment.

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