Thursday, March 4, 2021

Day 8 20210308 Do your best and God will do the rest, 「無所謂」的英文

Do your best and God will do the rest 
$295. NZ food and wine in the city coffee training in Devonport: 2-hour session costs $150 per person 陶瓷. 讀中醫, 
 是但人金句「無所謂」的英文怎麼說? - Be ok(fine)with…… 對……感到沒有關係、不要緊 - Give a damn 不在乎 / 不感興趣(永遠用於否定形式) - Suit yourself 隨你的便 / 按自己的意願行事 - It’s up to you 聽你的,由你決定。 - I don't care 我不在乎。 - Do whatever you want 根據你的意思去辦吧! - As you wish / if you want 隨你吧! - Whatever 管他呢!

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