Friday, January 7, 2011

What is the meaning of holiday?

During the holiday, I still haven't any holiday mood or I can simply say that everyday is my holiday.
In the school time, I was busy for the assignment and organized the church's things at the same time. I was too much pressure to handle them together and sometimes felt moody. too
Now I am in the school holiday, but my brain still work to prepare and to arrange the things in this year. It seems busy but it were fleshed out in everyday.
I have family and friends and many of my friends are come from church. Therefore, it's difficult to divide where and when it's my personal time or church/working time.
For example, I watched a 3D movie with some Sunday School students. I enjoyed the movie and also enjoyed to lead them to there and let them know that some body are care of them, especially our Lord Father cares them too.
: )


  1. It is difficult to distinguish between what constitutes work and leisure sometimes isn't it? Similarly when you really enjoy your job you feel that a holiday is interrupting! But I've had a great holiday for a couple of weeks - and feel refreshed to start work again : )

  2. Thanks Karen,
    Hard to believe that you still read my blog no matter I am your student or not.

