Friday, March 4, 2011

Car accident in 26 Nov 2010

I had a car crash 26 November, 2011 when I drove from Highland Park to home at 5.00pm.Actually, I was hit by a Ford Courier on that day.

I lost my conscious at that moment. On that day, Tommy needed the church van, so we swapped it and I drove his one, Mr and Mrs Yuen's car. The car should be written off, and I am waiting the report from assessor.
Fortunately, I am alright.
Thank God, I don't have any serious hurt,
I was reported from the X ray that I was only injured my cervical vertebra and wear a collar now.

alice in the super-wonderland again!

Friday, February 18, 2011

A difficult time, a difficult week!!!

When I came back from HK this week, I had different appointments for different type of doctors:
Monday: GP
Tue: Chiropractor
Wed: specialist for Gastro....
Morning: Mercy Hospital for Endoscopy of my stomach.
But The blood pressure was quite low that the nurse took two times of that.
Thanks God, the report is normal. The doctor said that the blood which I lost
it still need a few weeks to recover. : [
afternoon: Auckland Concussion Service
Before that, I thought I was alright from the car accident only lost that part of memory.
Unfortunately, it was not. When the nurse and OT ask me to fill in the chart about my physical problem which I felt that I was peeling to see through and deep inside.
While they asked me about anybody help when I got back my conscious, I answer 'NO' in rudely, I collapsed and cried nearly to use half box of tissue paper. Finally, they will arrange a team, 20 people, to have another 2 appointments next week to look after at me. I don't know it's a good news or not???
It let me face the real problem that I always think that I am strong and tough enough to handle everything.
In fact, I am not and I need slow now to recover for my brain damage ...

Anyway, It's time to learn a lesson how to slow down and relax . . . It's long long long . .. ... time

Thanks God, I still can survive in the wonderland!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

What is the meaning of holiday?

During the holiday, I still haven't any holiday mood or I can simply say that everyday is my holiday.
In the school time, I was busy for the assignment and organized the church's things at the same time. I was too much pressure to handle them together and sometimes felt moody. too
Now I am in the school holiday, but my brain still work to prepare and to arrange the things in this year. It seems busy but it were fleshed out in everyday.
I have family and friends and many of my friends are come from church. Therefore, it's difficult to divide where and when it's my personal time or church/working time.
For example, I watched a 3D movie with some Sunday School students. I enjoyed the movie and also enjoyed to lead them to there and let them know that some body are care of them, especially our Lord Father cares them too.
: )

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year - New Plan -New Challeging

In 2011, I must improve my English, especially the written English to prepare for the paper in this challenging year.
Try to flow idea first same as teacher taught in last semester, no matter any grammar or structure mistake or error. Try to let me have confidence to start!

Hope it's a good start, good practice no matter what will the result is?
Basically, I try first rather than to stay at the same pace!!! : (

: ) always in the wonderland!!!