Sunday, February 28, 2021

HK 3 weeks Day 4 20210301

Day 1
try to settle, clean everything with a cleaning pad.😂
is it necessary???

Day 2
Not feel good in mood, took psychiatric med to sleep. 

Day 3
Not good to wake up, headache, negative thinking. 在雲霧中  😔😔
drink coffee to wake me up, watch TV
until took Stress relief to be better. do some more exercise

Day 4 20210301
weather: cloudy     mood: medium

long time didn't write a blog.
just want to write a diary to record my feeling.
Thank God, after I took the stress relief, feel better. not only to think to be locked, is to think how to use these 3 weeks: devotion, relationship with God, future plan...
how to enjoy these 3 weeks of annual leave for the last few years 😘
- 每日與主同行: 羅馬書, 20210301
- Daily Bread
- 王明道

耶和華是我的牧者,我必不至缺乏 詩23:1😇
適應之後,將它轉變, 找到喜樂的角度來看,很重要. 否則,會被負面情緒影響,被陰暗,黑暗的力量,被那些帶著走.當這些不好的情緒充斥心裡,你所見會更黑暗,更不滿,更不開心,更低落.
要settle, but not settle 'down' be humble, 
soul corner / spiritual corner-cross: talk with God Father
有A plan, 有B plan.
2021: 水plant 魚菜共生.
進修: 自修-英文,有 organic種植
承認不開心, 將不開心抒發出去, 透過禱告,將憂慮,情感 交託天父
EQ, AQ- 對逆景處理,
Free to enjoy life