Wednesday, August 26, 2009

about me !!!

Hello everyone, my name is Alice - Alice in wonderland. That is the way I always introduce myself so that you will remember me.

I have been living in New Zealand for over 10 years and am a citizen here. When I first arrived, I fell in love with enjoying this lovely country. It is green and spacious everywhere. All the houses are very big too. It is a big difference to my home country - Hong Kong which is noisy and has a lot of air pollution. The weather is very hot too. In New Zealand, some people say that New Zealand's weather is very good - one day has four seasons. I have enjoyed my life for the past 10 years. If you see a lady wearing a light purple hat and taking a fast walk in Mt. Roskill, it will probably be me. I enjoy a fast walk in my suburb on a sunny day.

I have been married for 25 years and have two children, one girl aged 23 who graduated from Auckland University and now she studies at Unitec. My boy is 20 and is doing his 2nd year in psychology at Auckland University. My parents, 5 sisters and 1 brother still live in Hong Kong.

Before I immigrated to New Zealand, I worked as a graphic designer and ran a business with my best friend for over 13 years. She also led me to believe in God too.

After immigrating to New Zealand, I worked as a machine operator in a big mailing factory. Eventually, after 7 years of getting up and lifting heavy objects, my back became weaker and weaker. Therefore, I had to stop that work. At my last day, the company arranged a farewell party, gave some presents and made me weep for joy.

I always think that, I am like a child with English during those 10 years. I am growing up and must improve my poor English in this English speaking country. I am studying English at Unitec this year. After finishing the diploma course, I am going to do the remaining two papers in bachelor of theology in English.

I have been to some countries such as China, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam and Austria in Europe. I enjoyed the culture and people in Austria. If I retire in New Zealand, I will stay in Rotorua to relax in thermal springs and it is also good for my arthritis too.